"Van Life for Real Life" article on Evening Sends blog

"Van Life for Real Life" article on Evening Sends blog

Oct 1, 2022

Journalist and rock climber Andrew Bisharat recently took out an Adventure Wagon for a road trip from Colorado to Squamish with his family.  He detailed his journey on his blog, Evening Sends.  It's an interesting look at the van life movement - both on the surface and the deeper meaning - and where Adventure Wagon fits in to the whole scene. Here's an excerpt: 

The idea that one needs an extravagant tiny home on wheels, with a galley kitchen and the kind of high-end cabinetry that you’d find in an issue of Dwell magazine, becomes less salient. Many van lifers learn this the hard way, however. I know at least a handful of friends who have ended up selling their vans after discovering that driving around a high-end apartment just to buy oat milk and hit the dog park gets kinda old.

You can read the rest of the article here.

Two people sitting in outdoor chairs around a campfire with their Adventure Wagon modular van behind them

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